Long-lasting lamps eliminate the unpleasant consequences of spot-replacing premature failures
Premature failed lamps can cause a lot of hassle: Stopping assembly lines or closing down tunnels for changing a premature failed lamp can generate unsafe situations and high costs.
By using in these situations long-lasting lamps, lamp replacement can be planned for in advance, virtually eliminating the unpleasant consequences of spot-replacing premature failures.
By specifying Philips MASTER TL-D Xtra and Xtreme lamps you benefit from:
• Increased profit through higher margins per lamp
• Better possibilities to sell group replacement contracts because of more reliable and long-lasting lamps
• More satisfied customers long-term
• A highly professional business image in general.
When to specify which lamp?
MASTER TL-D Super 80 lamps (12,000 hrs service life):
• Areas with low ceilings
• Where maintenance costs are not abnormally high
• suited for small offices, small industries and shops.
MASTER TL-D Xtra (24,000 hrs service life):
• With medium-high ceilings where lamps are difficult to get at
• Relamping causes expensive disruption
• suited for large offices, hospitals, process industries, supermarkets, department stores.
MASTER TL-D Xtreme (40,000 hrs service life):
• With high ceilings where lamps are particularly difficult to get at
• Where relamping costs are very high
• Where the cost of disruption is abnormally high
• suited for the petrochemical and mining industries, tunnels and underground railway stations.

Related categories: Industrial Lamps Office and commercial Power Residential