Efficient brokering, energy procurement and generating revenue with renewables:
Opus Energy at the Energy Event
Business energy supplier Opus Energy will demonstrate how it is helping to improve efficiencies for brokers at the Energy Event on 16-17 September, stand F66.
Visitors to Opus Energy’s stand will have a chance to trial its new online Broker Portal – designed to give energy consultants more control over the tendering process. The Opus Energy expert team will also be sharing its advice on effective energy procurement and generating revenue from renewables in the show’s ‘expert hub’.
One of the energy brokers involved in the trial of the new Broker Portal was Zenergi. Graham Cooke, Managing Director at Zenergi, comments on the experience: “We were excited to be part of Opus Energy’s Broker Portal pilot and help to shape how ourselves and other consultants can best maximise this new initiative going forward. We found the information input and sense checking of data invaluable and in my opinion it certainly will save the Opus Energy and Zenergi teams a lot of time and emails.“
In addition to demonstrating the innovative Broker Portal, Opus Energy’s team will be sharing expertise as part of the show’s ‘expert hub’. This will provide energy professionals with the opportunity to ask questions about effective energy procurement schemes to unlock savings, and hear best practice examples of maximising revenue from renewable generation. There will also be further opportunities to hear from the Opus Energy team in a panel discussion during the show.
Michelle Tyreman, Opus Energy Head of Corporate Sales, says: “We’re looking forward to demonstrating our innovative Broker Portal at the Energy Event. The portal is designed to make the tendering process significantly more efficient, traceable and give brokers greater control; allowing them to access, re-quote and accept quotations online.
“The event also provides an ideal opportunity for us to share expertise and advice face-to-face on a number of topics including effective energy procurement and generating revenue from renewable energy generation.”
Opus Energy supplies more than 180,000 businesses across the UK with power. It also purchases power from more than 1,000 renewable generators in the UK, which it then supplies to customers.
For more information on Opus Energy please visit opusenergy.com

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