Become a Successful Eaton UPS Reseller in Under Two Hours! Become a Successful Eaton UPS Reseller in Under Two Hours! - news feed from the Electrical News Portal

Eaton has showcased a new web-based UPS training programme for its PowerAdvantage Partners which provides all of the information needed to enable them to include power quality products as a key element of the IT solutions they offer, rather than as an afterthought. The training programme is delivered in 7 bite-sized modules via an interactive online portal, allowing participants to effortlessly navigate through the training course quickly and easily. The course can be completed over a number of sittings with each module taking no more than 15 minutes to complete meaning the whole course takes less than two hours.

As well as modules on Eaton UPS products and services, the new Eaton UPS online training programme includes modules that cover the latest market-specific power management issues such as protecting SOHO applications, managing the power of IT networks and managing power in the cloud.

The modules are placed in a specific order designed to build on from each other logically to aid understanding and each module contains one or more lessons on specific topics with a question at the end to help check progress. Information in the modules is presented using a variety of formats including photographs and graphics which are also available to download for free and which include extra detail so that they can be used as a study aid.

At the end of each module users are asked to assess their own level of understanding with a series of questions which count towards the final mark. To ensure that participants have the level of understanding needed to be a successful reseller of Eaton’s UPS products, it is recommended that they achieve a mark of at least 80% in each module and it is possible for users to retake each training session until this level is reached. At the end of the course a customised completion certificate can be printed to demonstrate participation and level of understanding.

The online training is only available to existing Eaton PowerAdvantage Partners. Resellers interested in becoming a partner can find out more about the benefits of the programme.

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