Yoke G2 GSM switch controls lighting from your mobile phone
Initially developed as a phone based access control system for automatic gates and security doors, the Yoke G2 phone controlled GSM switch has many other applications, particularly where remote control is a benefit. In particular, it can be used to switch lighting, heating and air-conditioning.
This phone controlled switching module embodies advanced design with miniature GSM technology. As Yoke is controlled from a mobile phone, operation is as uncomplicated as making a call. Add Yoke's number to your phones list of contacts; and associate a name like "Gate" or "Heating". Yoke functions on any GSM network and can be controlled from anywhere worldwide. Its low profile and small circuit board footprint make it ideal for embedded applications.
Furthermore, Yoke is available in a weather-proof housing and can be located externally. The G2's switching relay is fully configurable using simple SMS setup command texts; just like a traditional electrical switch Yoke can operate a wide range of electrical equipment from virtually anywhere worldwide. When called Yoke checks the caller's number and if the number is on Yoke's user list the module switches and the attached equipment operates, there's no call charge as Yoke drops the call instantly.
The system is ideal for applications where a normal fob is not appropriate and a longer range is necessary. The unit connects to a a Net2 controller by a simple 4 wire connection.
The new Yoke-Wiegand GSM module provides a unique wiegand output when called by a mobile phone. The system is ideal for applications where a normal fob is not appropriate and a longer range is necessary.
Yoke presents secure caller information to the access control system in the same format as a card or token reader. Mobile Phone users are registered exactly like card or token users with the same security controls available e.g. "Lost Card" or "Working Hours Access Only".
Ideal for secure and monitored phone-controlled operation. 26-bit and 52-bit versions are available on request, 26-bit Yoke Wiegand will present the last 7 digits of the calling phone number for validation.

Related categories: Building management system Lighting control system Residential