Bournemouth Borough Council uses UK sewer network for new cabling infrastructure Bournemouth Borough Council uses UK sewer network for new cabling infrastructure - news feed from the Electrical News Portal

Digging up roads for laying pipe and cable, impacts on the environment and happens more than four million times a year at a cost of £1 billion. The Bournemouth Borough Council selected H2O Networks to implement a new communications cabling infrastructure.

Utilising the UK’s sewer network, H2O Network’s FOCUS (Fibre Optical Cable Underground Sewer) System solution was implemented in just over one week and has meant that Council Tax payers money is spent on improving local facilities rather than being used for digging up the roads.

The new development by H2O Networks allows organisations such as the Council to use the sewer network to set up their own secure IT and telecom network. The deployment process is a least 80 per cent faster than traditional methods, resulting in operational networks within weeks rather than months. Every city and town has ready-made ducts that can be used without causing disruption. H2O’s approach not only allows for quick installation it also provides unlimited bandwidth.

H2O’s business proposition is attracting interest from the UK’s water boards including Wessex Water Enterprises, which is just one of the water boards signed up to the scheme.

Bob Rhodes, IT manager, Bournemouth Borough Council commented: “In partnership with H2O Networks we are making a tremendous cost saving, meaning that we can put Council Tax payers money to better use. Using the sewer network is also a more environmentally friendly way to lay the fibre optic cable, and it makes sense to utilise the existing sewer network that’s right under our noses.”

“Our network was operational in just over a week with no need for us to undergo the complex negotiations that come with getting the permission to dig up roads and pavements.”

Mike Peacey, commercial manager, Wessex Water Enterprises commented: “We’ve started the system in Bournemouth which is a town with a lot of industry and architectural heritage, so it’s great that we are using our assets to the benefit of local industry and the environment.”

Commenting on the business benefits of the system, Elfed Thomas, managing director, H2O Networks comments: “Our FOCUS system gives organisations a cost-effective alternative to the traditional method of deploying fibre cable. It offers a fixed term cost rather than bandwidth tariffs, so that when extra capacity is needed, it’s there, and the business doesn’t incur further charges.”

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