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Stralfors slashes electricity consumption with Eluma eco-lighting system

Specialist printers Stralfors, the company tasked with supplying Camelot’s 35 million National Lottery tickets each month, has slashed its electricity consumption and Carbon Footprint after identifying an advanced eco-lighting system. Stralfors replaced almost 100 metal halide and fluorescent lamps in its Redruth premises with 67 high-tech Eluma lights. And, a year on, they’ve recorded an impressive 73 per cent saving on its lighting costs whi... [more]

Defra plans to provide advice and guidance on green electricity tariffs

Good Energy has welcomed Defra’s plans to provide concise advice and guidance on green electricity tariffs for UK homes and businesses. “The lack of any independent analysis of green tariffs has been an obstacle for the green electricity market. Good Energy welcomes Defra’s decision to ask Ofgem to produce guidelines for what an additional Green Electricity tariff should be.” Said Juliet Davenport, Good Energy’s Chief Executive. “However, G... [more]

The future for zero carbon electricity is replacing natural gas as the energy source for space and water heating

Energy emissions and global warming have been making headline news this year and Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently announced the Climate Change Bill, committing the UK to reducing its carbon-dioxide emissions by 60% by 2050, making it the first country to put legally binding carbon emission reduction targets in place. The British Prime Minister has reinforced his commitment to renewable power generation, stating in his comments on the gover... [more]

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